Pain Hacks We have always known that #pain can be hacked.
Everybody knows a story of someone who sustained an #injury but did not feel pain until much later. Most people ascribe this to adrenalin, but it is in fact due to the activation of the descending pain modulation system. This is the body's own way of managing pain, and research indicates that the DPMS stops working in cases of people who suffer from chronic pain.
So Pain Hack one is to reactivate the DPMS.
#hypnosis has long been used as anaesthetic, but unfortunately for the hypnotists chemical anaesthetics were easier for surgeons to use. Early case studies report a #surgery where surgeons removed a hypnotised patients one eye, while he calmly observed the surgery in a mirror through the other.
Hypnosis is still used for anaesthesia today if people are allergic to the drugs.
So Pain Hack two is to leverage hypnosis.
Pain lives in the LIZARD #brain this is a primitive part of the brain that functions instinctively (outside of consciousness) pain is designed to be a very powerful negative #stimulus it aims for us to remove ourselves from the pain source #ASAP. It is meant to be unpleasant, distressing, urgent and to bypass #consciousness.
So pain hack three is to tame the lizard and activate consciousness.
#neuroplasticity implies that the brain and the #body #adjust and #change in tune with environmental circumstances. The body subject to prolonged pain changes #nociceptive pain changes to #neuroplastic pain #allodynia and #hyperalgesia develop as the organism devotes more and more brain and body real-estate to pain perception.
So pain hack four is to act to reclaim the brain #realestate.
Most pain has its origin in an #accident or an #injury most of these events involve #trauma.
Pain hack five #treat the trauma.
We haven't told you how - at the innovate pain clinic we have patented the Tranceducer and developed CognitiVR to weaponise all these pain hacks to treat your pain.